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Open Jobs

Are you ready for a new job opportunity?
Join our team and shape the future of IT with us.

IT Systemtechnik Supporter

How we work

Being hands-on, uncomplicated and honest are essential drivers to creating a feeling of belonging. We have flat hierarchies with short decision-making paths, interact respectfully, collaborate on the same level and help each other.

Hybrid Working
We are open to new ways of working combining the office with remote work. Therefore we provide you with the necessary equipment and IT infrastructure.
Our four offices are centrally located with free parking and close to public transport. We have a modern environment with generous open spaces for meetings, personal exchanges or coffee breaks.
We promote education, internal and external training, challenging tasks and a clear personal development plan in order to assist you in your career.
There is no working hard without partying. It is important for us to celebrate and have fun together e.g., our family event or yearly employee evening.
We care for you
Working with us means benefiting from a lot of extras such as supplementary accident and business travel insurance, ergonomic desks, traveling 1st class on public transport, free coffee and fruit in the office etc.
Acting Sustainably
We avoid disposable items and use water dispensers instead of plastic bottles. For us recycling has high priority and green energy is what our future needs.
We are always searching for interesting diverse and challenging clients, projects and tasks – this can-do attitude makes us unique in the market.

Your Human Resources contact

Sandra Lüthi
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